CRIN Logo - White Stacked


    Feb 15, 2024 9:00 a.m.
    Feb 15, 2024 10:30 a.m.
    Mountain Time

    CRIN Project Cafe


    Kick start your day with Coffee and Clean Tech.

    CRIN's Project Cafe is a weekly series featuring the projects awarded funding through the CRIN oil and gas technology competitions.

    We are thrilled to provide a platform for CRIN Innovators to showcase their technologies and provide current status updates.

    Join us in person at the Energy Transition Centre in downtown Calgary or via Zoom.

    This panel will be moderated by Stephen Arseniuk and Chris Godwaldt the CRIN Novel Hydrocarbon Extraction and Water Technology Development theme leads.


    Project Title: Co-Injecting Steam & Combustion Exhaust Gases to Recover More Oil and Reduce GHG Emissions
    Presented by: Gene Wasylchuk, General Energy Recovery Inc. (GERI)

    Project Title: Testing Nanoparticle-based Foam Technology to Improve the Efficiency of CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery and CO2 Storage
    Presented by: Ali Telmaddarreie, Cnergreen

    Project Title: Electromagnetic Heating Technology
    Presented by: Geoff Clark, Acceleware

    Project Title: Development of an Integrated Mobile System (MMS) for Methane Utilization and Produced-Water Treatment
    Presented by: Gordon Huang, University of Regina

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