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    Oct 3, 2023 12:00 p.m.
    Oct 3, 2023 1:00 p.m.
    Mountain Time

    Intellectual Property and Innovation, a Necessary and Perfect Match


    SMEs often have limited resources and may not prioritize building an Intellectual Property (IP) position. In turn, companies take little or no action to secure the ownership of their innovation, which results in IP rights that are invention-led and reactive, versus innovation-led and proactive. It is essential for Canadian companies to leverage their IP and build forward-thinking data strategies.

    Learn how IAC can support your organization in building your IP knowledge and in leveraging IP protection through tools and resources which then enable commercialization. IACs mission is to empower Canadian data-driven cleantech companies in their scaling, in an ever growing and competitive knowledge-based economy.

    Innovation Asset Collective (IAC) is a not-for-profit membership-based organization funded by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED). IAC supports Canadian data driven clean-tech companies with their IP strategy by building IP capacity, offering IP funding, with IP intelligence reports and data, and for full members; access to a unique portfolio of patents to use on an as-needed basis and as a business advantage against like-sized and larger companies.
    IACs is a national and fully remote organization, launched in December 2020 with over 25 employees across Canada.

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