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    Automated Wildlife Detection Network and RoBird®(Drone Ornithopter) Deterrence System

    Solution Developer

    AERIUM Analytics

    Project Description

    AERIUM Analytics’ technological solution utilizes automated detection and tracking tools generated by proprietary machine learning algorithms, to identify, count, track and report on bird species entering the liquid impoundment facilities – LIFs (e.g.: tailings ponds and other areas) within surface mining operations.

    Oil and gas operations take place in complex landscapes that are home to diverse flora and fauna. The protection of species and habitats is a key consideration in any development plan. Wildlife management, specifically, bird deterrence, has been exceptionally challenging in the oil and gas and mining industries due to migration patterns, species-specific behaviours and characteristics of water bodies and habitats that surround oil and gas operational sites.

    AERIUM Analytics is a Canadian Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) solutions provider, and developer of the RoBird® Drone Technology, which is utilized to prevent birds from landing and nesting in high-risk areas around projects and to relocate them to safer locations.

    AERIUM Analytics is ready to take its technology to the next level. By combining the RoBird® with real-time detection and reporting solutions, the company expects to create a solution that provides a more effective and autonomous way to protect at-risk wildlife (birds), while delivering more data and details to the operators for wildlife management.


    • Non-invasive, safe and humane deterrence of wildlife around LIFs

    • Protection of at-risk bird species

    • Increased safety for workers in charge of wildlife management

    • Significant potential in other industries, including aerospace and agriculture

    Project Resources

    Project Video

    Maximum Funding from CRIN


    Main Project Contact

    Jordan Cicoria

    Technology Readiness Level

    TRL 8 - Actual technology, product and/or process completed and qualified through test and demonstration